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This course explores many of the way’s employees can commit fraud, especially the types of fraud tha (Completed)

Registration closed on July 31, 2024 at 8:00pm Pacific Time
Date: Friday, August 30, 2024
Instructor: Alan Patterson, Alexander Martin, Bernadette Pieters-Harilal, Amanda Turcotte
Begin Time:  7:30am Pacific Time
8:30am Mountain Time
9:30am Central Time
10:30am Eastern Time
CPE Credit:  8 hours for CPAs

This course explores many of the way’s employees can commit fraud, especially the types of fraud that use documents to skirt internal controls. We will consider embezzlement schemes, theft schemes (Cash, inventory, data, and fixed assets), and will examine how employees conceal these frauds. We will review the red flags for employee fraud. Real world examples will be provided for the participants to see how this is occurring in the business world.

Who Should Attend
CPAs, CFEs, CFFs, CIAs, CMAs, MAFFs, CGMAs, internal auditors, external auditors, managers, business owners and others in the accounting field.

Topics Covered

  • Occupational Fraud Employee Fraud in the News Theft of Assets Common Fraud Schemes Consequences for Employee Theft
  • Internal Controls for Preventing & Detecting Employee Theft

Learning Objectives

  • Identify ways to prevent employee theft Identify common fraud schemes Recognize how to design internal controls to help prevent and detect employee theft Identify which level of control has internal controls that apply to the entire company Recognize which fraud involves opening bank accounts using false information Identify which type of occupational fraud is most costly when if occurs, according to the ACFE Recognize who is responsible for designing effective internal controls and ensuring that they are monitored and operating effectively Describe which expense reimbursement fraud is generally committed by employees Identify parts of the Fraud Triangle Recognize types of asset misappropriation
  • Identify intangible assets an employee can misappropriate


Instructional Method
Group: Internet-based

NASBA Field of Study
Social Environment of Business (6 hours), Production (2 hours)

Program Prerequisites

Advance Preparation

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